Friday, October 31, 2008

Biased Media?

So I have to admit I am really glad this election season is finally winding down. However I got wind of this little news clip from my cousin, I'm not sure how many people that read this blog like Savage Nation but I have typically appreciated his take on things, the most interesting thing about this is the person filing the lawsuit is a fellow democrat. Check it out and judge for yourself.

Part 1

Part 2


Sabrina said...

I've never listened to Michael Savage, but my dad tells me I'd like most of his points of view. Anyway, if this is true, it's big time. Crazy, crazy world we live in. Get your food supply!

ilikewinter said...

I really like Michael Savage. I used to listen to him as I drove home from USU to SLC- when I was crazy. He's a little insane, too, verrrry right-wing, but most of his stuff is too true to be ignored.

Spencer said...

I personally don't think he is that right wing, he is by no means as far out as Sean Hanity. But my opinion on this may be skewed.

Trevor Criddle said...

it's an interesting situation we've gotten in with obama. because like you've said "he's become a celebrity". and if all this is true than it will create even more complications for our country. but i think we are going to have to trust the system, i dont think he could have slipped through so many loopholes without anyone knowing he was born out of country.

i completely understand your stance, even as a supporter i think that obama should be getting more flack, much like palin has.
i guess we'll just have to wait and see how things pan out.